Low Effort Youtube Navigation

artist representation of me watching youtube
Pictured: artist representation of me watching youtube

Problem: The more potato-like I can become, the more I enjoy watching Youtube. However, every so oftem I am violently reminded by the fact that I am not, in fact, one with my bed. Periodically finding new 10 minute distractions subjects me to awkward calorie intensive arm movements. Through this project, I aim to eliminate once and for all this cruel and unusual punishment.

Solution: Rather than require sweeping arm gestures, a single handed keyboard approach is far less physically demanding. This can be fairly easily implemented with a browser extension. Even better would be to never have to move my hand in the first place. This is where a hardware approach shines. This project additionally repurposes the masterfully ergonomic Wii Nunchuk for bedtime comfort.

Chrome Extension

Default Key Bindings:
  • WASD ⌥ - navigate video cards
  • QE ⌥ - open sidebar (home/subscriptions)
  • - select item

This is the part that would probably benefit you most. If literally one person expresses interest in this, I'll cough up the $5 needed to publish it. Otherwise, you can run it yourself or see the inner workings using the source code on Github.

Nunchuk Interface

Hardware is super easy when you embrace your inner script kiddie and let smarter people than you do all the hard work. In particular, I stole most of my code from these sources:

  • ↔︎ - skip ±10s
  • ↕︎ - change video speed
  • ↔︎↕︎ Z - navigate video cards
  • Z - open sidebar
  • C - select/pause
nunchuk with arduino
Technically speaking, this is a keyboard

For now, its super jank cuz I only have a full sized board, and no access to the Nunchuk innards. Unfortunately, inputs have to be detected through polling rather than interrupts. All of this could be fixed if I had access to more tools and a smaller board. If I get the proper stuff, ill definitely improve this.